Tuesday 1 June 2010

Welcome Jason!

Hello Jason,

Welcome to your very own World Cup Blog; this is the big time!

I'd just like to take this opportunity to outline what this blog is all about. We are really interested in getting your views on what is exciting/not exciting around the World Cup tournament, how you are consuming the event and content around it, your stories from all of this, as well as some pictures (these can be anything, we would just like anything that will bring your experience to life even further - e.g. mobile pics?). Hope that's clear enough!?

Please note that we have taken you on because we feel that your opinions would represent people who are occasional watchers of football well; for that reason whatever you can give us over the next weeks will be extremely invaluable.

At the very least we would like you to contribute one post per week, and this will be generated from a set of questions which we will e-mail to you for you to use in your next post. We will post these questions up on the following Wednesdays throughout the tournament and it would be extremely helpful if you could post your response to these on the Wednesday evening or Thursday morning at the latest. The dates which we will remind you to blog with new questions will be:

  • Weds 2nd June
  • Weds 9th June
  • Weds 16th June
  • Weds 23rd June
  • Weds 30th June
  • Weds 7th July

If you feel like blogging at other periods too :-) feel free to blog about anything concerning the World Cup (and it would be great if you could bear in mind the following things):

  • Your feelings and emotions around the World Cup
  • How you are using different channels to access World Cup content
  • Your opinions about the event sponsors and your perception of the brands
  • Advertising activity which you found interesting
  • Any other things which peaked your interest in the tournament
Any questions just shout @ my work e-mail (which is 'Max.Colson@phdnetwork.com')

Cheers for this, it's much appreciated!


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