Monday 5 July 2010

5th blog

Coca Cola, McDonald's, EDF and Budweiser have all stood out as World Cup brands. They have all done a good job associating themselves with the event and I can clearly remember where I saw all advertisements. Visa has a brilliant ad. I love the guy starts off fat and basically runs to the world cup and scores!

So many brands are pushing their associations that it is no has an impact. You see everyone basically advertising it so it’s no longer novel! It hasn’t made me consider buying anything from the sponsors either

Since Argentina got knocked out over the weekend 4-0 to Germany I’m not as interested. Still want to see who wins though and I’m behind Spain!

I watched Argentina – Germany in the pub, great atmosphere until they got thrashed!! I think FIFA should definitely bring in goal-line technology, most other sports use it, why not football?

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